

 連載開始直後に起きた震災。ディスプレーからのインターネット情報でしかわからない痛み。ふと見上げると、周りには普段と変わらぬ職場の風景。今までにない疎外感を味わった。しかし、世界中から集まった同僚たちの祖国でもそれぞれ問題を抱えている。隣国との 諍 (いさか)い、内戦、金融危機、国家破綻など。世界は常に回っている。世界の中で生きていくためには、そこに思いを巡らせることが必要なのだと身を持って感じた。

Going back to home country, Japan

I have decided to go back to Japan. I am really nervous as well as look forward to. This is similar feeling to the one when I left Japan 12 years ago. In that time, I really wanted to see the world outside of Japan.
In past two years during this series of columns, I, Japanese lived in the UK, experienced the disaster and event, Tohokuearthquake and tsunami and London Olympic Games.
The huge earthquakes hit and triggered tsunami on my country when this series started. It was really painful experience that I had only information through the displays. In the office space, it is the same as usual. It was the isolated feeling which I had never had. But every colleague has their own issue on home countries, such asstruggles against neighbor countries, a civil war, financial crisis, bankruptcy etc. Our world is always spinning around. I believe it is essential skill for the people living in the global age to imagine others.
Luckily, I lived in the life with Olympics. My practical experience in the office started from making the model of OlympicPark master plan on bidding stage. It also developed through several British projects backed by good economy. During the games, among tons of the Union Jacks, I waved our national flag, Rising Sun, for Japanese athletes.
Through the disaster and event, I thought about my country in the world and inside of myself. Therefore, now, I would like to see my country from the inside and also started thinking it is my role to involve from the inside to the outside.
Almost every book selected for these columns are previously read in Japan and opened pages again by the inspiration of the U.K. I don't think I survived here so long if the information and lessons from
the books was transformed into the wisdom for the behaviour. It's practical thesis of Japan.
It would be really pleased if you would liketo pick up books and go overseas after reading my series of columns. The world beyond the sea is incomparably vast than the world in the display. Read books and cross seas. Thank you for your interest!

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